Transformational coaching; breathing life back into your soul so you THRIVE through self love

1:1 coaching
Corporate Packages
Guest speaker

My vision is

Women celebrating themselves.

Empowering women to live confident, compassionate and successful lives through loving every part of themselves.

What I can support you with

Are you giving to everyone else whilst sacrificing yourself?

Are you spinning all the plates but scared one might drop?

Do you feel like you’re stuck on the hamster wheel, going through the motions, with a never ending to-do list?

How would it feel to wake up excited and energised, instead of overwhelmed and stressed out? How would it feel to be grounded and balanced rather than exhausted and burned out?

This isn’t about doing more, this is about doing less. This is about feeling and being the best you can whilst doing more of what you love and living a life you can’t stop talking about.

Are you ready to discover the life you want and deserve?

Why not book a free discovery call to see how I can help you start creating the life you want and the life you deserve.

How I support my clients

I help busy, ambitious women to:

  • Stop spinning all the plates and realise they can be the best of them without doing it all. Helping them embrace a life where they get to be the best in their career and family life, without sacrificing themselves and the things they love and need.

  • Realise and then shift old patterns and behaviours that stop them from seeing their own worth, or believing whole heartedly in themselves.

  • Get clear on what they want, need and desire in life. I help them shine a light on what is stopping them living that life where they have it all. I help them whilst they change their beliefs to allow them to love, trust and believe in all they are and all they can do.

  • prioritise themselves, create and maintain strong boundaries, rediscover the fun and excitement in life, restore the balance so that they never sacrifice themselves again. I help them ensure that their self love cup overflows.

  • Do the deep inner work to help them become aware of the beliefs stopping them from doing the things they want to do. I help them break down those barriers and then start taking small but consistent steps to bring in more love, joy, peace, passion and start living a life that feels good, that they thoroughly deserve.


My clients wake up feeling excited and energised. They have tools and practices to keep them calm, grounded and focused. They feel deeper contentment and life satisfaction.

My clients have gone on to launch businesses, secure promotions, improve their relationships, go travelling, create their dream family life, put themselves at the centre of their life, commit to their heart so they can truly connect to themselves and discover who they really are rather than who they think they should be

So that they can bring in more love, more joy, more passion and more balance to all areas of their life and create a life that excites and energises them. A life they love and truly deserve.

So that they can look in the mirror and love what they see, so they know they are worthy of not just talking about their dreams but making them a reality.  So they can live their life as the incredible woman they were always meant to be.


“In the space of just a few months, I’ve gone from having little confidence, feeling out of control, doubting myself, unable to make decisions and experiencing the fear of failing, to knowing and feeling I’m worthy, making decisions confidently and making myself a priority and feeling very much in control of my reality.”

"I highly recommend Danielle’s work, from mindset, to self-love & self-care, she truly is amazing.”

"These sessions have allowed me to re-balance what is important in my life and re-discover self-confidence. This led to new perspectives and huge energy shifts which have allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and make meaningful and lasting changes in my life.”

Let’s connect…

Are you looking for a nurturing space for women? Join my Golden Hearts Community where I share daily prompts, tips and tools to help you grow your inner belief and strength through self love

Join the self love club; Do you want to live a life of confidence, fulfilment and success? Sign up to my newsletter and receive regular rituals, tips and practices in your inbox to live a life you love through loving yourself

Are you ready to get started with building the life you want and deserve?

Why not book a free discovery call to see how I can help you get started on this journey.